

Mirror杂志每年都要选出蒙城最佳(Best of Montreal),这里的评选结果全是由Mirror杂志的读者们的投票来选拔的,Mirror杂志在蒙特利尔很常见,可以在地铁站免费领取。“Best of Montreal” 选拔范围也很广,从媒体电台,城市生活夜生活,音乐,电影艺术,消费,一直到美食!可以说是包罗万象。今天,我们来说一下城市生活,城市生活中评比内容有,最佳邻居,最佳族群,最佳建筑,最佳名人聚集地,甚至还有最佳野外Sex的地点评比,不得不说,老外真是开放啊!

此文章转自FORECE's BLOG 转载请注明

蒙特利尔最佳邻居(Best Neighbourhood)

1. Plateau
2. NDG
3. Mile-End
4. Westmount
5. St-Henri
6. Little Italy
7. Downtown
8. Verdun
9. Old Montreal
10. St-Leonard
11. Villeray
12. Rosemont
13. La Salle
14. Pointe St-Charles
15. South Shore
16. Côte-des-Neiges
17. Gay Village
18. McGill Ghetto
19. Petite-Patrie
20. Centre-Sud
21. Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
22. Outremont
23. Town of Mount-Royal
24. Laval
25. Little Burgundy

蒙特利尔最佳族群(Best Minority)

1. Anglos
2. Italians
3. Blacks
4. Gays
5. Jews
6. Greeks
7. Irish
8. Portuguese
9. Indian
10. White

蒙特利尔最佳建筑(Best Building)

1. Sun Life
2. St. Joseph’s Oratory
3. Place Ville-Marie
4. Bell Centre
5. Notre-Dame Basilica
6. Belgo
7. Habitat 67
8. Olympic Stadium
9. 1000 de la Gauchetière
10. Orange Julep

蒙特利尔最佳名人聚集地(Best Place to Spot Celebrities)

1. St-Laurent Boulevard
2. Buona Notte
3. Downtown
4. Old Port
5. Crescent Street
6. Old Montreal
7. Globe
8. Tribe Hyperclub
9. Plateau
10. Club Opera

蒙特利尔最佳野战地点(Best Place to Have Public Sex)

1. Mount Royal
2. Parc Lafontaine
3. Angrignon park
4. All parks
5. My car
6. Public washrooms
7. Old Port
8. Metro
9. Alleys
10. McGill Campus
